What is Keywords and How it Helps For Me?

What is Keywords?

In the simple words, we discuss about keywords in two sides. One for Customer and one for website holders. Keywords what plays the role for a customers and what plays for website holders.

For Customers: 

Keywords are the Key to Unlock the box of your requirements. Keywords are also known as search terms. A keyword can be used to search for a specific topic in an online search engine or in a search bar. 


From the customer’s point of view, keywords are terms or phrases that a searcher enters into an online search engine to find information, products or services. Keywords represent a customer’s unique interests, needs or questions and help them find content or solutions that are relevant to them. 

Keywords allow a searcher to quickly filter out irrelevant information and find what they’re looking for. As a result, it’s critical for a business to understand and optimise their content to match these customer queries.

For Website Holders: 

Keywords are phrases or words that sum up the main subjects or themes of your content, whether it’s a website, a blog, or an ad. They’re used in digital marketing, SEO, and content creation to help you reach your target audience and increase your visibility in search results.

Keyword research is the process of finding the best and most effective keywords for a specific topic. Keyword research typically involves: 

Audience Understanding: 

First of all, know about your target audience to determine their interests, preferences, and the language they use when searching for information online.

Understanding the Audience
Understanding the Audience

Generating ideas of Keywords: 

Generate keywords based on the topic or industry you’re interested in. You can do this using tools such as Google keyword planner, SEMrush or Ahrefs. These tools offer insights on search volume, competition and related keywords.

Generating ideas of Keywords
Generating ideas of Keywords

Metrics Analyzing: 

Evaluating the search volume, competition level, and potential traffic for each keyword to determine its effectiveness in reaching the target audience.

Keywords Metrics Analyzing
Keywords Metrics Analyzing

Primary and secondary keywords selection: 

Divide your keywords into two categories, Primary and Secodary. Choosing the most relevant and high-performing keywords to optimize content for Primary keywords – are the main focus of the content, while secondary keywords provide additional context and support.

Primary and secondary keywords selection
Primary and secondary keywords selection

Implementing of strategies: 

Incorporating selected keywords naturally into various elements of the content, including titles, headings, body text, meta tags, and image alt attributes.

Implementing of strategies
Implementing of strategies

By conducting keyword research and optimizing content accordingly, businesses and content creators can improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results, driving more traffic to their websites, and reaching their target audience more effectively.

Amit Saini

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